Who We Are

We are the Canadian Breast Cancer Network (CBCN), Rethink Breast Cancer (Rethink), the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation (QBCF), and a leading research-based biopharmaceutical company in Canada. We’ve partnered to spread the word about the difficult realities that women diagnosed with mBC face.

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Our mission is about time…

TIME to raise awareness about mBC.

TIME to start talking about the unique needs and challenges of mBC patients.


collaborate to increase efforts to ensure access to supportive resources, clinical research, and funding for innovative treatments as quickly as possible.

And most importantly, for those who face metastatic breast cancer every day, it is about making the most of the time they have.

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The mBC symbol

Breast cancer is a story that is half-told. The mBC symbol was designed to empower compassion and draw attention to mBC in support of increased conversation.

Here’s how you can learn more or support the cause:

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– Whether you’ve just been diagnosed with mBC or want to support a loved one navigating the disease or would simply like to know more about mBC, learning more is the first step to understanding the unique challenges of mBC.



– Canada’s leading patient-directed organization, the Canadian Breast Cancer network strives to ensure that the patient perspective informs decision-making globally. CBCN has been actively working with the metastatic breast cancer community to promote the patient voice and address the unique needs of metastatic patients and their families. CBCN’s comprehensive Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer hub connects patients with information about treatment, drug access, financial support, practical issues and how to join others in advocating for access to the best care. The hub also provides an online community for patients to share their story and connect with others living with metastatic breast cancer.

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Rethink Breast Cancer

– Is a Canadian charity known for making positive change and rethinking the status quo when it comes to breast cancer. With 20 years’ experience, Rethink educates, empowers and advocates for system changes to improve the experience and outcomes of those with breast cancer, focusing on historically underserved groups: people diagnosed at a younger age, those with metastatic breast cancer and people systemically marginalized due to race, income or other factors. Within an evidence-based approach, everything we do puts people with breast cancer firmly at the centre. However, the results of our efforts often improve the experiences of all cancer patients. As a breast cancer movement, we are all about connecting, listening, empowering, and rethinking breast cancer together to help people live better and longer.

Advocating for change cannot be left to people with metastatic breast cancer. Since 2015, Rethink’s MBC Program has focused on creating community, support programming, resources and research while also advocating for better treatment and care for those living with MBC. Our advocacy efforts have directly resulted in broader access to treatments for the breast cancer community, increased access to molecular testing, and improved awareness about the unique needs of people living with MBC. Rethink has brought together a group of over 10,000 MBC Allies from those to early-stage breast cancer, to caregivers and beyond to rally for those living with MBC when it comes to advocacy around pressing issues often relating to drug access. These MBC Allies are a vital part of helping Rethink reach over 250,000 people per month with information, insights on MBC issues and actions to take to help improve MBC outcomes. Rethink also works closely with Rethink’s Metastatic Advisory Board which was created in 2018 to address issues that are important to the MBC community and to help develop, review and roll-out initiatives that help meet the needs of people living with MBC, ensuring their voices are heard in our work to rethink breast cancer.


– The Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation is the only charitable organization in Quebec dedicated entirely to the fight against breast cancer. The Foundation has focused its mission on promoting the well-being of affected people and their loved ones through research and innovation, support and educational materials and raising awareness. Researchers, volunteers, donors and families alike are all connected by the same hope of being able to live in a world without breast cancer.


Dyanata Inc. Pfizer Canada, 2022 mBC Time Survey. November 2022. A survey of 2,174 Canadians was completed online between October 24th to November 2nd, 2022. Confidence interval 95%.